sábado, 4 de julho de 2020

Monster Hunter G english v2 (pré-patch)

Change log of patch :

@here new english patch v2 for MHG - quest description 40% translated (need time to improve quest text) - quest names (village) 99% translated - Foodnames 100% translated - Foodskills 100% translated - Food effects 100% translated - Gallery 80% translated - little buggy text translated like Weaponcraft etc - Town areas and Village areas 100% translated - Item box description 99% translated Download the new csv file and patch your iso. Please feel free to dm me with untranslated words or buggy words. (pls with screenshot).

Credits to translator : ytoc

Thanks to Agent13 for applying the patch.

Tamanho : 1gb
Tipo : iso
Servido : Google drive



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